Adam Technologies is a Start-Up, which is developing the worlds most cutting-edge 3D technology. The Adam system is operating with two main platforms:
Adam App
The Adam App features all the functions of Adam Online in a compact package for everywhere you go. Being linked to Adam Online, the Adam App is transforming your smartphone into the perfect 3D tool opening the world to the most cutting-edge 3D technology.
Adam Online
Adam Online is operating as the main hub of Adam Technologies. Beeing constantly syncronised with the data provided by the Adam App, Adam Online is functioning as the data wearhouse and creation center of the Adam 3D world.
Adam Technologies is pursuing a FMA and GBF strategy in order to grow from early stage to unicorn.
Every couple of years there is an idea, a new technology that is changing the world. Adam Technologies is a game changer. Join us as an Investor.
Early stage Investment is not only an investment in ideas and new technologies, but also an investment in people. This is why we are looking forward to hear from you. Adam Technologies Team
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